Hi Kiddo!

Every year, we put a large piece of paper up somewhere in the house and leave colored pencils, crayons, or markers (that don’t bleed TOO much) nearby so whenever someone is feeling thankful for something or someone, we walk over to the wall and just write it down. By the end of Thanksgiving, we have a little poster of all the things that we collectively are thankful for that year.

It’s become one of my favorite traditions that came out of the Pandemic of 2020, and I hope we keep it going forever.

You leaned in super hard with Erin Hunter who wrote your favorite 600 books (I’m guessing) – The Warrior Cats series. Just when we think it’s over, a whole new arc of 5-100 books comes out. You love reading these books, you are so immersed in the world, and it’s awesome! (Though, I’ll admit, I sort of wish you’d like other books so we can connect on some Terry Pratchett…but maybe that day will come later 🙂 )

Mimi and PopPop were listed twice on the same piece of paper, and a last-minute entry was “Ant Liz and her flute” – which makes me want to see a kid’s book with an insect band, and the ant is playing the piccolo.

And in a pro-move that I absolutely appreciate – so you didn’t miss anyone at all, you wrote “Friends and LIFE. “

I think that about covers it, don’t you? 🙂 Though I was quite proud of my “breakfast poopers” artwork, and your dad’s “red wave” joke made me laugh so hard when I finally noticed it – two days after he drew it.

Until next year, kiddo! Hopefully, you’ll be thankful for a much shorter bus ride as you’ll be going to the middle school.

