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Dear Little,

Today is July 4th, 2017. Without prompting, you put on this outfit.

“Oh, you put on the birthday hat because it’s our country’s birthday!”
“No? Did you know that today is America’s birthday?”
“It is?”
“Kiddo? What do you think the 4th of July is?”
“It’s fireworks day.”
“Fair enough. So you’re wearing the hat…”
“…because I like the hat?”

Can’t argue with that logic. You are mighty happy in that hat.

And while the outfit itself was totally unprompted, I’m happy it didn’t take too much prompting to get you to turn your racerback dress around before I took the photo and let you out in public.

Think about it for a second. You’ll understand. If racerbacks are out of style when you read this, Google it.

